The Humboldt University has the added charm of being an integral part of Berlin's old historic center. The discipline of International Health focusses on health issues in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Die Studierenden erlernen eine afrikanische Sprache, wodurch sie Zugang zu wenigstens einer spezifischen Kultur erhalten. Die HU im WWW. Students enrol at TU Berlin, there are no tuition fees. Master of Education - Die speziellen Modalitäten für die Durchführung und die Bearbeitungsfristen finden Sie in den jeweiligen Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen. Die HU im WWW. Der Masterstudiengang Afrikawissenschaftenan der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin vermittelt Wissen zu Afrika durch die Verbindung der regional ausgerichteten Wissenschaftsdisziplinen Afrikalinguistik, Afrikanische Literaturen und Kulturen sowie Geschichte Afrikas. As a degree student, you first need to be aware of the Prüfungsordnung of your particular program. Die HU im … In accordance with German academic custom, the beginning of a lecture, class, etc. The International Master Program Computational Neuroscience was initiated by the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin. The results of the Excellence Strategy competition had just been announced via live stream. If you are confused right now, don’t worry. Here you can search for specific courses, make up your own schedule and find relevant information: Derzeit sind 6.655 Direktzugänge registriert, die seit dem 15.06.2010 bis jetzt 2.923.399 mal aufgerufen wurden (ca. The M.A. Please find out more about the topics and contents of the courses at the web pages of the professors. Studien- und Prüfungsordnung und Formulare Studien- und Prüfungsordnung und Formulare Tutorials are always combined with a lecture. You may also set this up directly at the examination office. International Office Since the application procedure and the prerequisites for participation vary between different seminars, look up the registration method and deadlines in the course list (see above) or contact the responsible lecturer in advance. Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik. Students learn in small seminar groups and can carry out the work required of them in either English or German. Die Weitergabe von … The HU just published new Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen (study regulations), which make studying MEMS more flexible and more customized for your individual preferences. Studienpunkten vorausgesetzt. Berlin Perspectives is an interdisciplinary module in English and German for international exchange students of all subjects. Incoming exchange students can take 1-2 courses in other subject areas of the HU or at other universities in Berlin (Freie Universität or Technische Universität as well. Please inform yourself regularly at The primary emphasis of the School is on imparting rigorous and quantitative methods of economic analysis. ... Summer Semester at HU Berlin begins in the second week of April. Unter dem Titel „Germany Listening“ veranstalten die Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft und der Master IB in Berlin eine gemeinsame Vorlesungsreihe. Our focus is on the interface between the humanities and behavioral sciences with the neurosciences. Master of Science, Master of Education ... Polymer Science (MSc) gemeinsam mit FU Berlin, TU Berlin und Uni Potsdam; Studieninteressenten aus dem Ausland. If you are a student not enrolled at the School of Business and Economics but rather at another department of HU, there is a certain set of courses open for you: Business Administration Bachelor (in German): Business Administration Master (in English). Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft an der HU e.V. 762 Aufrufe pro Tag). You can find the official text at the page of the Prüfungsbüro: German only), this page is just an explanation of the study regulations and does not create legal entitlements. Are you interested in working at the International Office? Such courses will NOT appear on the transcript of records. Make sure that you possess a strong background in Mathematics. You should be aware that this limits the choice of courses for dramatically. You can reach us by e-mail, we are working on a phone service. The Master’s Program in Economics and Management Science (MEMS) is designed to give students the knowledge, skills and methods necessary for critical and successful future involvement in the worlds of economics and business. Hier gehts zur Homepage der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Monobachelor / Master of Science. It means the session actually begins a quarter of an hour (therefore "akademisches Viertel") later, which gives student sufficient time to move from one room or location to the next. To help you with these, visit the glossary available here. Co-operation with FU Berlin and Potsdam University. ECTS are given for the Leistungsnachweise (graded paper or examinations which students obtain). You can easily browse to the page you need by using the link Professuren. Here you will find which courses are mandatory for you, which courses will count as electives and further options to complete your degree. Exchange students can choose courses on the bachelor level (courses predominantly in German) and from the various master programs (in English). Stay updated with our many events for international and soon-to-be-international students! You are not sure whether to continue your studies and consider dropping out? Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät Info. The international orientation of our program gives students the understanding necessary for engagement on an international level. The program currently offers 15 places with an excellent teacher to student ratio and a sense of familiarity among students. Neuroscience is one of the most intensively developing and important sciences of the 21st century. The Technical University is located in Tiergarten near Berlin's governmental district. Bewerben lohnt sich: Das Stipendium unterstützt engagierte Studierende mit sehr guten Leistungen mit monatlich 300 Euro für ein Jahr. Room 2/3 It is quite normal for students to give presentations (Referat) in seminars, which are subsequently discussed. The interdisciplinary research, education and training takes place in English. The students are expected to reflect on their GSP education, experience, and research in the final thesis. Students enrol at TU Berlin, there are no tuition fees. Studienpunkten vorausgesetzt. Keep in mind that the course lists are subject to change! Das Studium zielt auf die forschungsbasierte Vermittlung von spezialisierten Kenntnissen im Bereich der Kunst- und Bildgeschichte sowie auf den Erwerb von vertieften methodischen Kompetenzen. Weitere Regelungen Falls Sie eine externe Arbeit (außerhalb des Instituts) anstreben, sollte Ihr/e externe/r Betreuer/in Zweitgutachter/in sein. Here is what you need to do in oder to be allowed to take classes: If a professor allows it, you might be able to follow the class, but unfortunately, you are not allowed to take examinations (i.e. The programme requires a Master's Thesis. Die Humboldt-Universität bei Facebook; Students can get credits by passing a written examination (Klausur) which will usually be set at the end of a set of lectures. for short. Die Anmeldung ist erst abgeschlossen, nachdem Sie den Bestätigungslink, welchen Sie per E-Mail erhalten, aktiviert haben. Masterstudiengang Linguistik. Damit Sie diese und auch weiterführende Informationen von den Dozentinnen und Dozenten lückenlos und zeitnah erhalten, schreiben Sie sich bitte unbedingt über AGNES die Sie interessierenden Veranstaltungen ein! In einem Kombinationsbachelor studieren Sie zwei Fächer (Kernfach mit 90 bis 120 Leistungspunkten, Zweitfach mit 60 Leistungspunkten). Special knowledge: see ZZR. Students who have completed the Master Program will have the ability to communicate across these diverse disciplines which will help them to make their own contribution to the fast growing field of neuroscience. Duration of course unit: One course unit takes usually one semester (15 weeks) and four hours a week, split up to the Vorlesung and the Übung (4 Semesterwochenstunden - SWS). Im Master of Arts (MA) bieten die Geschlechterstudien/Gender Studies einen Einfachmaster und ein Modul für den überfachlichen Wahlpflichtbereich (ÜWP) an.. Weitere Informationen: Masterstudiengang; MA Überfachlicher Wahlpflichtbereich; Bewerbung; Masterstudiengang. Die Masterarbeit soll 1,5-zeilig in Times New Roman in Schriftgröße 12pt verfasst, einseitig gedruckt und gebunden werden. Abschluss in einem für die Interaktion … The program currently offers 15 places with an excellent teacher to student ratio and a sense of familiarity among students. The study programs in Economics and Management Science are designed to give students the knowledge, skills and methods necessary for a critical and successful future involvement in the worlds of Economics and of Business. International Relations (M.A.) There is no registration needed, simply show up at the counter. The programme Master of Science in Economics aims to convey the analytical skills and expertise of a quantitative-oriented economist interested in practical solusions to economic problems in a world that is increasingly complex and difficult to classify.. Bewerben lohnt sich: Das Stipendium unterstützt engagierte Studierende mit sehr guten Leistungen mit monatlich 300 Euro für ein Jahr. Prof. Ringrose erhält den Fakultätspreis für gute Lehre Module, Lehrveranstaltungen und Lehrende, welche in didaktisch überzeugender Weise den Erkenntnisgewinn der Studierenden fördern, werden mit dem Preis ausgezeichnet. Dr. Marit Gründer Brook-Taylor-Str. The Berlin School of Mind and Brain is a graduate institution of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It is essential to read and understand this document, which is available online. Liebe Studierende, für viele Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester werden derzeit Moodle-Kurse eingerichtet und/oder Informationen auf Webseiten bereitgestellt. Usually, a course has two teaching units per week (2 SWS). Students enrol at TU Berlin, there are no tuition fees. (HU Berlin) Medieninformatik (gemeinsam mit der TU Berlin und der FU Berlin) - Modulübersicht Die HU im WWW 14, Room 1'08 Phone: +49-(0)30-2093 7589 e-mail: Office hours: By appointment The HU Berlin's Chemistry and Physics department is in Adlershof, a scientific park in the Southeast of Berlin. Annika Richter Newtonstr. Die Humboldt-Universität bei Facebook; The Master Program is hosted at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Charité), Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU Berlin), and Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin). The postgraduate study programme “International Health” is hosted by Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health at Charité – Universitäsmedizin Berlin and offers a master’s course and two diploma courses.. The credit points system is equivalent to ECTS (European Credit Point Transfer System). All this will be explained in orientation weeks and it will get a lot clearer from there. Just attending the lectures is not sufficient to receive any credits! A written permission of the teaching professor is necessary(‼). The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), is a joint graduate school of the mathematics departments of the three major Berlin universities, and is based at the Department of Mathematics at TU Berlin, being funded within the framework of the German „Initiative for Excellence“. Degree in a subject with focus on interaction of human societies and of natural resources. Here is an example for a class in the course list with a short explanation on what each entry means (click to enlarge): The other resourse for searching courses is AGNES ( Unter dem Titel „Germany Listening“ veranstalten die Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft und der Master IB in Berlin eine gemeinsame Vorlesungsreihe. You might want to have a look into the previous respective course list to get an idea, which courses are offered in which term. Master of Religion and Culture An alle Erstsemester im Wintersemester 2020/21: Im moodle-Kurs „Einführung in den Master Religion und Kultur“ finden Sie alle Informationen für Ihren Studienbeginn. Master of Arts Geschichtswissenschaften Geschichtswissenschaften (seit 2018) Der Masterstudiengang Geschichtswissenschaften ermöglicht die Vertiefung der Kompetenzen und Wissensgebiete, die im Bachelorstudium erarbeitet wurden. Even if your German is already perfect you may have some problems with the more technical terms you will encounter during your studies at HU. Furthermore, Berlin perspectives offers you one German langauge class for free! ... Summer Semester at HU Berlin begins in the second week of April. The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), is a joint graduate school of the mathematics departments of the three major Berlin universities, and is based at the Department of Mathematics at TU Berlin, being funded within the framework of the German „Initiative for Excellence“. This was the first year Technische Universität Berlin was awarded the title of Excellence – together with its consortium partners Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. A written permission of the teaching professor is necessary(‼). These will obviously be more demanding! Additionally the programme includes special English Language modules. Studiengänge mit Lehramtsoption sind immer Kombinationsbachelor. The M.A. The Law Faculty of Humboldt University of Berlin offers a one-year full-time graduate degree program in International Dispute Resolution (IDR), with a strong emphasis on international arbitration. Bernstein Center forComputational NeuroscienceBerlin, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin. At the end of the semester, students usually have to hand in semester papers (Seminararbeiten), which are explorations of a topic which both student and staff have agreed upon. Deadlines are non-negotiable. The module is consisting of 1-3 seminars (5, 10, or 15 credit points) The module focuses on the following areas: The seminars introduce students to academic German and reinforce their studying skills. Masterstudiengang Linguistik. 120 Leistungspunkte). Master’s Program in Economics and Management Science. Deadlines are non-negotiable. Generally, Seminararbeiten at Bachelor level would comprise between 10 and 15 A4 pages, at the Master's level they can often consist of up to 25 or 30 pages. One SWS is one 45-minute teaching period per week over one semester or, more specifically, during the time when lectures, classes, etc. Upon completion of the program a Master of Science is jointly awarded by TU Berlin and HU Berlin. Berlin Perspectivs - special courses for exchange students, Berlin Perspectives - special courses for exchange students, Students from other schools/faculties/departments of HU, Taking courses without being enrolled at HU's School of Business and Economics,,, Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Investmentanalyse und Portfoliomanagement, Introduction to Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Introduction to Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis, At the start of the semester: Check with the teacher of the course you like to take if he/she allows you take the course and fill in the form "Antrag auf eine Nebenhörerschaft" (, Fill in the form “Verbindliche Anmeldung zu Prüfung” (, Hand in the completed form at the examination office (“Prüfungsbüro”) during the exam registration period. The program currently offers 15 places with an excellent teacher to student ratio and a sense of familiarity among students. Die HU im … You do not need to register to a lecture - just take part at the first lesson! is a taught Master's programme, yet at the same time it places a strong emphasis on self-conducted research and project work. Especially if you are required to do a certain amount of credits, this may force you to take Master-level courses. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institut für Sozialwissenschaften Info. Seminars (marked as "SE" in the course list) are an exception to this - you register for them at the institutes that offer them. Allgemein wird zur Bewerbung für ein Master-Programm an der Humboldt-Universität der erfolgreiche Abschluss eines BA-Studiums, mindestens aber der Nachweis von 150 ETCS-Credits bzw.